Manajemen sumber daya manusia mondy
Manajemen sumber daya manusia mondy

Altbach, a university which is a case of research in the periphery institution category, but from the review of the quality policy formulation that there is a desire and determination to build quality. Research results show that: First, referring to Philip G.


The use of descriptive method with a qualitative approach in this study was chosen because the symptoms, information, events, descriptions of the observations during the research process regarding "Management Effectiveness of the Implementation of Quality Assurance at Mathla'ul Anwar Banten and Banten Jaya University of Serang ", it would be more appropriate to express it in the form of words, research techniques include: data collection, data reduction, presentation or display of data, drawing conclusions and verification / interpretation of data. This research will be carried out with a qualitative descriptive research method, which describes the meaning of the research data systematically, factually, and accurately. (3) Knowing the obstacles faced and the solutions in the quality assurance system in the context of improving the quality of lecturers at Mathla'ul Anwar University Banten and Banten Jaya University of Serang. (2) Knowing the implementation of the university quality assurance system in the context of improving the quality of lecturers at Mathla'ul Anwar University Banten and Universitas Banten Jaya Serang. Specific Objectives: (1) Knowing the university quality assurance system policies in the context of improving the quality of lecturers at Mathla'ul and Banten Jaya University of Serang.

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In general, this study aims to determine the effectiveness of quality assurance implementation management at Mathla'ul Anwar University of Banten and Banten Jaya University of Serang. Learning resources and information sources for students who are millennial generations have more open and familiar access to information technology-based devices, while most lecturers have limited skills in utilizing the current tools. Assurance Systems (Case Study of Quality Improvement of Lecturers at Mathla'ul Anwar University of Banten and University Banten Jaya of Serang) The world is experiencing a big wave of change, so improving the quality of lecturers is not only a necessity but also can no longer be with conventional content.

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